Monday, July 12, 2010
It has been awhile....hoh!!!.
so recently i had already enrolled into uitm samarahan,sarawak..n im taking diploma in chemical engineering part 1. so basically i plan on pursuing in medical field..but unfortunately they had given me a course in chemical engineering which a field that i never expected n know-nothing about that course...haha..well i cant argued though for my biology was everyone knows wat the outcome when applying for medical..=) im a bit disappointed la..but what to do..everything that had laid upon me i accept it with open arms cause i know that GOD had made a plan for me..n i will work hard on my study. GAMBATE IRENE!!!!..
so far so good with my life as a university student. meeting new friends everyday, communicate with people from different walks of life, experience life away from home(though i don't really miss my home haha..maybe sometimes la..expect the unexpected, this is a quote from my friend during our YCS camp at some bidayuh village can't remember the place..XD). i misses during the day when i join the SMK ST TERESA,KUCHING ISCF FAMILY!!!!.. thankfully there are some christian group here..such as Young Catholic Undergraduates(YCU) n PPK(mostly those who aren't Roman Catholic).
my roommates are all christian..n we are just like 1 malaysia haha...
1. pamela (pam) KAYAN
2. jazzie (jaz) IBAN
3. felicia tifanny (fel) BIDAYUH
all roommates are nice people. i have known jaz from year 4 or 5 during primary school at SK CATHOLIC ENGLISH ( people always misunderstand our school..they always thought the pupils only talk in English haha..) i have known fel since high school at SMK ST TERESA,KUCHING couldn't remember when we really have known each other haha..=P) n lastly pam, i just get to know her here at uitm samarahan lorr..she is from SMK ST MARY..
among the four of us i can sure that im the only one that dont know how to dress up properly like girls always do..can't deny that fact..i like fashion it just that i unable to be fashionable because of my super size haha..n im very practical with the way i dress long i feel comfortable that is more than enough =) my family doesn't like the way i dress myself up..i hope that someday i will feel more confident with my body that i could one day be a fashion icon in my work field as chemical engineer haha.. :P
hmm..can't think of anything to say time post new post again lorr..n hopefully with some nice pictures oo...hehe..gudnite..
date: 12.07.2010
time: 9.17pm
location: uitm samarahan library
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Nine reasons to drink green tea daily

Here are nine reasons to start drinking green tea or continue drinking it if you’re already hooked.
1. Green tea is a superb fat fighter. Its active ingredient, EGCG, increases the rate at which fat is burned in your body.
2. It targets belly fat. Research at Tufts University indicates that EGCG in green tea, like other catechins, activate fat-burning genes in the abdomen to speed weight loss by 77 percent.
3. Green tea keeps energy stable by balancing blood sugar levels. EGCG improves insulin use in the body to prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes that can result in fatigue, irritability, and cravings for unhealthy foods.
4. Research shows it may be helpful against lung cancer. In an April 2010 study published in Cancer Prevention Research, EGCG was found to suppress lung cancer cell growth.
5. Green tea may halt colorectal cancer. In numerous other studies, EGCG appears to inhibit colorectal cancers.
6. In research, it appears to cause prostate cancer cells to commit suicide. A March 2010 study in Cancer Science indicated that EGCG aids the body by causing prostate cancer cells to commit suicide.
7. Green tea may prevent skin damage and wrinkling. EGCG appears to be 200 times more powerful than vitamin E at destroying skin-damaging free radicals. Free radicals react with healthy cells in the body, causing damage, so lessening their numbers may help reduce wrinkling and other signs of aging.
8. It contains a potent antioxidant that kills free radicals. Because it is a potent antioxidant green tea can positively impact a lot more than skin cells. Free radicals are increasingly linked to many serious chronic illnesses like arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.
9. Green tea tastes good. If you’re not wild about the flavor, try a few different kinds. Try it iced or hot. Add some of the natural herb stevia to sweeten it if you want a sweeter drink. I wasn’t crazy about green tea the first few times I tried it, but now I love it with a fresh squeeze of lemon and a few drops of stevia over ice -- et voila! Green tea lemonade. Mmmmm.
Reap the rewardsAdd one or two teaspoons of green tea leaves to a cup of boiling water, preferably in a tea strainer. Let steep for five minutes. Pour over ice if you prefer a cold beverage. Most experts recommend three cups daily. And, don’t worry, green tea contains a lot less caffeine than coffee or black tea
Friday, June 11, 2010
Beauty Secrets from Around the World
By Amanda Greene
When it comes to beauty routines, the grass is always greener. Japanese women have it made with their long, glossy hair and Greek women’s olive-toned complexions are always luminous. But how do they do it? Put down your passport—you won’t need to go anywhere to find out. We got insider beauty information from experts on how women across the globe stay gorgeous. Read on to find out their secrets, and learn how you can recreate them at home.

Australian makeup artist Napoleon Perdis says yarrow extract is used by Australian Aboriginal women to prevent stretch marks, thanks to its moisturizing and hydrating properties. “Yarrow root is also an anti-inflammatory, which soothes the skin.” Calm your complexion with his Auto Pilot Pre-Foundation Primer , which contains the extract as a key ingredient.

Chilean women credit the antioxidant powers of red grapes for their luminous skin. They create a paste by mashing up a handful of the fruit and adding 2 tablespoons of white flour. They then apply the mask to their face and leave it on for 10 minutes before washing it off. “It wakes up the appearance of tired and fatigued skin to give you an amazing glow,” says Shalini Vadhera, author of Passport to Beauty
Dominican Republic

“If you ever meet a Dominican woman, look at her nails––chances are they’re super-strong,” says Vadhera. What’s their secret? Women in the Dominican Republic swear by garlic to keep their nails tough as…well, nails. They chop up fresh garlic, add it to a bottle of clear nail polish and let it stew for 7 to 10 days. “There will be an initial smell, so if you want to ward off vampires this is a great way to do it,” jokes Vadhera. “But the scent goes away. Garlic has so many strengthening properties and is naturally antibacterial as well.”

According to Vadhera, Cleopatra’s beauty secret was taking milk baths to soften her skin and remove dead cells. To try the treatment at home, Vadhera recommends adding 2 cups of powdered milk to your bath. “It will make your skin look absolutely gorgeous and feel so smooth, silky and soft.”

“The French woman sticks to a scrupulous and preventive skin and body care routine,” says Shannon Gallogly, lead aesthetician for French beauty brands Decleor and Carita. “This means she has weekly facials, regular massages and religiously takes her makeup off each night.” Gallogly’s recipe for an at-home facial without the price tag of a spa version: Mash up cherries and pomegranate seeds and apply as a mask to the skin for about 6 minutes. “This mask will help brighten skin with natural enzymes while firming at the same time.” Remove the mixture with a warm towel to help boost circulation.

“Greek women are blessed with Mediterranean skin, which is light in color but has enough melanin to shield and absorb harmful UV rays,” says New York City dermatologist Macrene Alexiades, MD, PhD, who is half Greek. But even if you aren’t genetically blessed, you can still take a cue from the women of Greece. “There are other factors that contribute to their glowing complexion: They eat a Mediterranean diet high in fish, which provides skin-rejuvenating omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as fruits and vegetables, which provide antioxidants and vitamins. They also believe their intake of olive oil contributes to their great skin." So, start reaching for the olive oil instead of butter for better skin.

Cygalle Dias, owner of New York City’s Cygalle Healing Spa, was born in Israel and believes in the healing powers of sea salt. “When you swim in the Dead Sea, all of the salt helps your body rid itself of toxins, and it has also been known to help cure skin diseases.” To get the detoxifying benefits of sea salt at home, Dias shares her spa’s Lavender Sea Salt Scrub recipe: Mix together ¼ cup sea salt, 1 pinch seaweed powder, ½ cup massage oil and 10 to 15 drops lavender oil. Apply to skin to gently exfoliate.

How do Italian women maintain their glossy locks? According to Fabio Scalia, Italian hairstylist and owner of Fabio Scalia salon in Brooklyn, New York, the answer is right in your kitchen. Italian women keep their hair shiny by combining yogurt and olive oil and using the mixture as a conditioner. “The protein in the yogurt gently nourishes and conditions.” To whip up the rich treatment at home, Scalia recommends mixing 1 cup of plain whole-milk yogurt with 1 teaspoon olive oil. Then apply the mixture to washed hair, let it sit for 5 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Titi Branch, the half-Japanese cofounder of Miss Jessie’s hair care line, credits seaweed for Japanese women’s long, silky hair. Nori is a rich source of the trace mineral iodine, which is essential for healthy hair growth. (According to Branch, the iodine added to table salt isn’t the right kind to nourish your hair because your body doesn’t easily absorb it.) Seaweed is also a rich source of other mane-strengthening minerals—including iron, zinc, selenium and copper. “Japanese women either eat nori seaweed or boil it and apply it to dry hair as a nourishing paste.” Head to your local Asian grocer or health food store to pick up sheets of nori. “It’s traditionally used to wrap sushi, but you can use it like a tortilla to wrap up veggies with a dash of soy sauce, or crumble the sheets and sprinkle them on a salad, rice or stir-fry,” advises Branch.

Spanish women bring out natural, subtle highlights in their hair by rinsing it with cranberry juice, says Vadhera. Try mixing ¼ cup pure juice (not cocktail blends) with ¼ cup water and doing a final rinse with it in the shower. “If you’re going to be in the sun, the cranberry juice brings out the rich hues in your hair,” she says. “It works amazingly on brunettes, but if you’re blonde you’ll want to use lemon juice instead to avoid ending up with pink hair.”

Swedish women attribute their glowing, healthy skin to their diet of antioxidant-packed fresh berries and grilled fish, says Petra Strand, Swedish makeup artist and creator of makeup line Pixi, now available at Target. Give yourself a hit of antioxidants by trying Strand’s at-home treatment: Boil mineral water with a green tea or white tea bag, let the tea infuse the water and then freeze it into ice cubes to use instead of a toner. “Saunas are also a big part of Swedish culture,” says Strand. “The dry, clean heat rids your body of toxins.” To get the effect of a sauna at home, Strand says to take a handful of rock salt and add a dash of olive oil and about 10 drops of pure eucalyptus oil. Rub it all over your body and rinse with a blast of cold water.
well i haven't tried the recipes yet but i assure u that one day ONE DAY i'll try it myself ^^
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Jason Castro - "Let's Just Fall In Love Again" (Official Music Video)
Lets pretend baby
That you've just met me
And Ive never seen you before
Ill tell all my friends
That I think you're staring
And you say the same to yours
And oh, well dance around it all night
And then Ill follow you outside
And try to open up my mouth
And nothing comes out right
And I wanna fall in love with you again
I don't have to try
Its so easy
Who needs to pretend?
But because its so funny
Lets just think about it, honey
Lets just fall in love again
Ill call you in three days
Not too soon, not too late
And Ill ask your roommate if you're home
You call me on Thursday
And well hang out all day
Then fall asleep on the phone
And oh, Ill hold your hand when we drive
And well lose track of all the time
And well tell everyone
That we ain't never felt so alive
And I wanna fall in love with you again
I don't have to try
Its so easy
Who needs to pretend?
But because its so funny
Lets just think about it, honey
Lets just fall in love again
Well fall disgustingly fast
And well stop hanging out with friends
And they'll be so offended
And I wanna fall in love with you again
I don't have to try
Its so easy
Who needs to pretend?
But because its so funny
Lets just think about it, honey
Lets just fall in love again
Lets just fall in love again
chic shades to fit ur face
With the right style and shape, these sunglasses will make you look chic on even the hottest of days.(^O^)V peace ya all...
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Works for every face - but be sure to choose a version that covers your eyebrows. This timeless shape has survived decades of trend cycles - and is as chic as ever.
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Oversize Square
Flatters round and heart-shaped faces. You'll look like a modern-day Jackie O. hiding behind these large frames.
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Balances a strong jawline. These classic-cool shades will add the perfect dose of rock 'n' roll to your look.
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Good for a long, slim face. This sporty option adds a touch of style when you're out to brunch or sitting in the bleachers at a soccer game.
P/S. hope that with this info u will look chic n stylo ya...(^^,)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sport Shoes Shopping..^O^
"wah ada sales la ly...1/2 price lagi tu.." kata sy ngan my bro kelly
"ehhh...memang kat hopoh slalu buat sales...perkara biasa jak tu.." kata my bro
so my bro n i pun pg cari kasut murah2. wah ada banyak la kasut sport murah2..jenama ROSSI ada yg rm39.90, rm 49.90, rm 59.90...n byk lagi la.. masa pilih kasut sy tak tau mcm mana nak pilih saiznya tau sy guna saiz 8 tapi bila sy check kasut tu ada yg 40, 41, 42...ado binggung...paksa la tanya salesgirl kat sana suruh dia cari..muahahaha..
sy ni tak la kisah sgt ngan kasut yg penting ada beli...main sempoi jak ambik...sampai my bro pun tanya "..camna puas hati ngan kasut tu..nanti nyesal klau main pilih jak.." " aiee..mana2 jak sama bah...yg penting rupanya cam kasut dahh.."...harga kasut tu rm 39.90 haha..boleh tahan la yg penting murah ^O^
lepas beli kasut kelly pun bawa pegi tingkat atas lagi..tingkat IT haha..main reason dia bawa pegi hopoh sbb dia nak suruh beli cd game PSP..ceh pa punya bro..lepas tu kitaorg pun kluar lepak
Monday, April 19, 2010
pastu mumy,dady n me pun menjalankan misi impossible pergi jln2 ke KAMDAR..muahahahahh
tujuan we ppl pg KAMDAR adalah utk beli kain pakai buat baju kurung utk sy...biasa la nak pg matrix kan..mesti la get ready awal2..masa kitaorg sampai sana ada la kat corner sebelah pintu masuk tu ada tunjuk buy 1 suit free 1 suit apa lagi kitaorg cari la kain yg cantik2 sikit...punya la happy sy td tiba2 salesgirl kat sana ckp kain yg sy pilih tu bukan yg diaorg offer tp 1 suit tu kira murah jugak la rm15+ sy ambil 2 pasang lorrr...
wah mcm biasa salesgirl tu pun mula la promote offer2 diaorg yg lain...
"..mauk tengok offer beli 1 meter dpt 1 meter free auntie..." ckp salesgirl tu
"..oo ok2.." kata mumy
byk jugak yg cantik2 n ada yg tak cantik pada pandangan sy mcm kena colour ngan watercolour jak..hahakkk jgn marah aaa..byk kain yg dibeli..5 pasang ooo...mumy n dady ckp i pasang utk 1 hari..hari sabtu baru la cuci baju...wahhh..sungguh tak ku sangka parents ku galakkan ku supaya tak payah rajin sangat cuci baju...haha...amalkan la slalu my beloved parents..1 pasang kain tu 4 meter...haha tak tau cukup tak kain tu utk sy ni....mumy yg jahit so terserah pd mumy la brapa panjang kain tu...smua harga kain2 tu rm83.80..wah kira murah la tu maybe la, mumy ckp murah so sy pun ckp murah jugak la...hahakkk..lepas abis bayar kain my parents n i went back home lorr...
that how i spent my evening...i wish i can upload pics but unfortunately my hp no camera..huhukkk.. T.T
my next post.. maybe i said MAYBE i can upload some pics that i take hoh..
haha so sleepy ooo..zZZZ