it has been awhile since the last time i posted anything..its not as if there r ppl goin to read my blog anyway..haha..
so recently i had already enrolled into uitm samarahan,sarawak..n im taking diploma in chemical engineering part 1. so basically i plan on pursuing in medical field..but unfortunately they had given me a course in chemical engineering which a field that i never expected n know-nothing about that course...haha..well i cant argued though for my biology was everyone knows wat the outcome when applying for medical..=) im a bit disappointed la..but what to do..everything that had laid upon me i accept it with open arms cause i know that GOD had made a plan for me..n i will work hard on my study. GAMBATE IRENE!!!!..
so far so good with my life as a university student. meeting new friends everyday, communicate with people from different walks of life, experience life away from home(though i don't really miss my home haha..maybe sometimes la..expect the unexpected, this is a quote from my friend during our YCS camp at some bidayuh village can't remember the place..XD). i misses during the day when i join the SMK ST TERESA,KUCHING ISCF FAMILY!!!!.. thankfully there are some christian group here..such as Young Catholic Undergraduates(YCU) n PPK(mostly those who aren't Roman Catholic).
my roommates are all christian..n we are just like 1 malaysia haha...
1. pamela (pam) KAYAN
2. jazzie (jaz) IBAN
3. felicia tifanny (fel) BIDAYUH
all roommates are nice people. i have known jaz from year 4 or 5 during primary school at SK CATHOLIC ENGLISH ( people always misunderstand our school..they always thought the pupils only talk in English haha..) i have known fel since high school at SMK ST TERESA,KUCHING couldn't remember when we really have known each other haha..=P) n lastly pam, i just get to know her here at uitm samarahan lorr..she is from SMK ST MARY..
among the four of us i can sure that im the only one that dont know how to dress up properly like girls always do..can't deny that fact..i like fashion it just that i unable to be fashionable because of my super size haha..n im very practical with the way i dress long i feel comfortable that is more than enough =) my family doesn't like the way i dress myself up..i hope that someday i will feel more confident with my body that i could one day be a fashion icon in my work field as chemical engineer haha.. :P
hmm..can't think of anything to say time post new post again lorr..n hopefully with some nice pictures oo...hehe..gudnite..
date: 12.07.2010
time: 9.17pm
location: uitm samarahan library